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PrestaShop Modules Security: Knowledge base
- Prevent SQL injections
- Basic sample
- Array values sample
- Table name or field name protection
- OrderBy and orderWay protection
- Other cases like case/then, functions…
- PrestaShop object models natively protected against SQL injection
- Prevent PHP injections
- Basic sample
- Prevent sensitive data disclosure
- Logs, data export, …
- White reader, white deleter, …
- Deny any none-useful file extensions
- Prevent Cross Script (XSS) vulnerability
- Reflexive XSS: Escape assigned variable on a Smarty templates
- Stored XSS from front to back
- Content Security Policies
- None secure svg files
- Prevent logical weakness
- Standalone script without ModuleFrontController
- Weakness token in a front controller
- Callback of a wildcard method
- Wildcard data in the PrestaShop secures cookie
- Prevent chain of vulnerability
- None obvious trusted data
- Sample with file_put_contents
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